For agencies

Strengthening Families is not about involving more people, but getting those who are already involved working together more effectively.

Whānau or families often need support from several different organisations. Strengthening Families is an established process where multiple organisations come together with a whānau or family to plan and organise support services.

Strengthening Families can be used by any whānau or family in Aotearoa New Zealand:

  • with tamariki or rangatahi in their care
  • who need help from more than 1 agency or service.

The process is free and 100% voluntary.

Why use the process?

The process focuses on inter-agency communication – the benefits of Strengthening Families for agencies include:

  • Agencies get the full picture of what is going on, so collectively they can tackle root causes.
  • Gaps in service provision are identified and addressed.
  • The process happens in a neutral setting with a trained facilitator so any conflict or negativity is avoided.
  • Each agency is accountable for doing what they say they will.


If you know a whānau or family who could benefit from Strengthening Families, it is easy and quick to refer them.

You can either:



Published: June 28, 2022